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PTC_dance research

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PTC_dance research

PTC_dance is a research project on improvisation by a collective of dancers, choreographers and the musician, philosopher and pedagogue Dr. Alan Bern.

PTC (Present-Time Composition) is a method for collectively improvising highly differentiated, original performance works, created by Dr. Alan Bern in 2005. It draws on our human ability to make coordinated, cognitively rich decisions in real time. It is deeply democratic while aiming at the aesthetic complexity typical of notated works by single authors. 

While PTC_music has been under development internationally since 2005, our research on PTC_dance began in 2017. With a core team of dancers and choreographers we develop a fully realized method to train compositionally highly informed improvisations in various movement-aesthetics. The aim of PTC_dance is to re-appropriate the fund of traditional compositional thinking to inspire, instruct and inform contemporary collective, embodied improvisation. I am grateful for being part of this endeavour since its first try-outs.

An Other Music Academy Weimar project.