Moving in Odessa / @constanzeflamme #dancing #bluelagoon #improv #workshop #photography #tandemforculture #tandemshaml #shag
Dance Improvisation
In my dance workshops I create a space for participants of all backgrounds to create movement sequences and develop their skills in actively listening to their body, to the dynamic of the other’s movements and to external inspiration.
I focus on the development of the awareness and ability to act on impulses as smallest entities of our creative being. Through very attentive and detailed work we will move from micro-movements and synchronising the group into larger compositional dance forms.
My dance workshops start with collective warm-ups, and – depending on the needs of the group – involve analytic reflections on what we are doing and why certain things come easily to us in improvisation, while other things create bigger individual challenges… Besides this work, there is also a great deal of fun and funky dancing included!
I draw from a mix of methods and trainings. Most important has been my education under the Present Time Composition Improvisation method by Dr. Alan Bern. Through my work as student research assistant in a research project on synchronisation in Dance Studies (Berlin) I continued sharpening my practical and theoretical tool box. I learn a lot by teaching others, and sometimes a workshop can become a collective research lab.