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Wir am Wasser

Engagiertes Land: Aken

Wir am Wasser: Flussgeschichten aus Nah und Fern

[We by the water: river stories from near and far]


Regional cultural network

Artistic Direction

In the frame of DSEE – Engagiertes Land Progamm

Anchored around our cultural boat Mary Jane and its home port Werftvolle Zukunft, we initiate cultural activities in the region Anhalt-Bitterfeld. At the heart of our activities is the small town Aken with its long history of boating culture, industry based on the Elbe, floods, migration and natural habitats.

For four consecutive years, we develop projects and create reasons for very different people to interact and create together. Especially for younger people we create collaborations with local schools and the Akener Hort (primary school programs). Thus, we enlarge the offer for kids and teens on site, in an atmosphere of growing presence of right-wing populists and their ideologies.

One of our core projects is the growing outdoor exhibition of river stories, giving a platform to perspectives, experiences and cultural histories of the Elbe river, Aken, the region and waterways far away. The stories have been turned into short audio plays that can be also be enjoyed online!

The program is conjoined with our cross-regional performance project Contes Imbriqués and its partner organisations in Mali, Morocco and Mauritania.


The Wir am Wasser network is steered by the Other Music Academy [OMA], Werftvolle Zukunft and Wir mit Dir e.V.


Photos © , MDR And PRIVATE