
Film. Männerfreundschaften 2017


Männerfreundschaften - ARTE MDR 2017


Film docu-drama

Directed by Rosa von Praunheim

Script by Valentina Schütz

With Matthias Luckey, Valentin Schmehl, Thomas Linz, Tobias Schormann, Max Conrad, Sybille Enders, Petra Hartung, Bernhard Jarosch, Sebastian Lange, Wolfgang Mirlach, Maximilian Müller, Nils Ramme, Runa Schäfer, Willi Seibt, Jakob Turkôsek

Acting, singing, research, costume- and set management Valentin Schmehl

A co-production of Rosa von Praunheim with ARTE and MDR

Cinema premiere 13.12.18

Award winner at Frankfurt Lichterfest

How gay was Goethe? And how about the queerness of his fellow stars of the German enlightenment and early romantic period? This docu-drama is a playful, eccentric and imaginative foray into the history of queerness in the Weimar Klassik.

I supported the research and writing process from 2016, co-managed the set and the costume-workshop on the shoots 2016 and 2017. I perform in various singing, dancing and speaking roles.


Photos © Rosa von Praunheim, Valentin Schmehl